Monday, November 3, 2008


I remember as a kid I loved the water. I could play in it for hours. And I never ever noticed, or cared, how warm or cold the water was. We would fill balloons with water and chuck then at each other. Flop around in a baby pool in the backyard. Jump into a spring fed pool that was always under 70 degrees and not care if it were a cool May or hot August day. I cannot say that anymore now that I am an adult. When did this happen? I remember liking the water still in my early 20's, and I am an adult at that point. So at what moment to we turn into an adult and care if we get wet or what the water temperature is? And is there any reverse so I do not care about it anymore? I would love to be able to flop in the water like my kids do.


It is so wonderful and fun to have little ones to change your perspective. Since they have not experienced the things you have yet, it can seem different to us as well. What a wonderful way to look at the world.

I think photographers look at the world in another way as well. Always telling a story from one snap of an image and showing their original prospective. A great photographer is always evolving, transforming, and looking for different perspectives.

I look forward to shooting again in the years to come when my children are a little older. I think that I will surely have been influenced by how my children see things and hopefully it will transform my art form.