These images of my boys I find are the most important work I have created. They are closest to my heart and I create them solely for me. Yes, I appreciate the awards and parties and compliments of other bodies of work, but it is this work that completes my personal mission: To show the beauty of being on the planet.
Anyhow, the portraits show how each child changed each month and showcased what developmental stage they were at. In the first month portrait, here, baby Andrew now focuses on your eyes and face and can turn his head to focus on people talking to him or music playing and images or light areas. He smiled at four weeks, but only from time to time.
It is interesting as well, when I look at the baby images from years past, I do not see how tired I was, or stressed and overwhelmed at trying to manage the boys and house and schedule my husband kept as he went to school and worked, I just see how happy I am and they are and how wonderful everything looks. I hope the boys feel my good intentions as they look back at their life.

If I have hurt someone today in thought or word or deed, or failed another in his need, I now repent. If I could take those steps again, tomorrow I would make amends, and heal with love those hurts, I do now this request; If someone has hurt me deep, and no amends are made, I ask the Light to balance all, I count the debt as paid. Parental spirits whom I love and who I know love me, reach through the door I open wide, make clear my path to Thee.
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